Systematic and independent proofreading

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Certainty of verification results ensured by error analysis based on ISO standards

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Comprehensive checking and verification of translations already from 0.04 per word

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Have the quality of your translations verified and assessed by qualified myproof proofreaders in a few steps

myproof Platform

The quick-check system for obtaining a significant initial assessment of translation quality

The online system for assessing translations involving regular professional proofreaders: upload translated documents immediately after logging into the system. Qualified proofreaders, working to a defined verification methodology, will assess the quality of your translations in a confidential and timely manner and provide you with a signed statement.

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myproof Manager

The workflow system for the continuous verification of high text volumes

The modular design meets specified requirements. This user-friendly workflow system enables check-relevant documents and text segments to be automatically selected and extracted within a systematised environment. These are then forwarded to proofreaders for checking according to a predefined methodology in which the detection, weighting, assessment and correction of errors takes place. Amendments are updated to the translation memory.

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Standardised analysis and breakdown of errors

myproof is the practical, flexible further development of the linguistic quality parameters of ISO11669, the automotive standard SAE-J2450 and the assessment methodology set out in the LISA QA model.

Systematic checking and correction processes save costs and time

Systematised processes and clearly defined requirements with respect to the diagnosis, assessment and correction of errors, which apply to both individual and multiple orders, ensure it is not only possible to evaluate the performance of a service provider, project costs and running times can also be reduced.  

Certainty of verification results ensured by qualified and specialised proofreaders

Specialist proofreaders are selected based on their technical and professional qualifications. All proofreaders must meet the minimum requirements as set out in DIN EN 17100. Glossa Group, however, sets higher demands with regard to the duration of professional work, experience in the trade and professional qualifications. myproof Manager also gives companies the option of integrating their own proofreaders.

Quick assessment of work samples from language service providers and translators

Have the quality of translations provided by translation service providers and translators assessed and verified in a reliable, time-saving and cost-effective way in a few steps. myproof Platform enables qualified proofreaders, working to a defined verification methodology, to assess the quality of your translations in a confidential and timely manner and provide you with a signed statement.

Some of the companies that rely on the services of Glossa Group: